Testimonials | Tagasiside
We have used different wire-knitted fabrics, created by Terje Salupuu on the designer lamps "Glow" and "Big 12", which were designed for SWISSÔTEL Tallinn restaurant Horisont.
The element that makes it special about these designer lamps, is the shiny, captivating, mystic and airy knitted wire fabric.
With the help of ProfiElekter, who created the technical solution for the designer lamps, Terje Salupuu has shown excellent work and my lightings' idea has been fulfilled spectacularly.
The designed lightings create good atmosphere for the interior and work in several ways as per se. The wire-knitted fabric interacts perfectly with the light source that is different every day on the 30th floor, where the restaurant's lounge is located.
The lighting project for SWISSÔTEL Tallinn restaurant Horisont has been a full success in cooperation with the textile designer Terje Salupuu.
Eliina Grünberg, interior architect
The commissioned designer lamps created by Terje Salupuu compliment SWISSÔTEL Tallinn Horisont's restaurant interior splendidly.
Designer lamps fit in the new restaurant's interior concept by Eliina Grünberg perfectly and create a good atmosphere for the room. The lighting solution for the rooms is modern and attractive.
The new designer lamps got a positive feedback both from restaurant's guests and the working personnel.
Harles Tammeleht, SWISSÔTEL Tallinn Rooms Division manager
SWISSÔTEL Tallinnale projekteeritud valgustitel "GLOW" ja "BIG 12" on kasutatud Terje Salupuu erinevaid metallkangaid. Mõlema valgust eriliseks elemendiks on sädelev, pilkupüüdev, müstiline, õhuline kootud metallkangas. Koostöös Profielektriga, kes teostas valgustite tehnilise lahenduse, on Terje Salupuu teostanud minu valgustite ideed suurejooneliselt. Need valgustid annavad ruumile head atmosfääri ning toimivad erinevaud valguslahendusi edasi andes vastavalt valgusallikate kasutusele. Kangas mängib suurepäraselt valgusallikatega, kui ka loomuliku valgusega, mis on iga päev erinev 30. korruse restorani ruumis. SWISSÔTEL Tallinna restorani Horisont valgustuse projekt on õnnestunud koostöös tekstiilidisainer Terje Salupuuga suurepäraselt.
Tellitud valgustid, mis on loodud Terje Salupuu poolt sobivad SWISSÔTEL restoran Horisonti väga hästi. Valgustid vastavad Eliina Grünbergi poolt loodud uuele restorani kontseptsioonile ning loovad ruumi hea atmosfääri läbi huvitava ja uudse valguslahenduse, kus on kasutatud metallkangast. Uued valgustid on pälvinud head tagasisidet nii klientidelt kui restorani personalilt.
Harles Tammeleht, SWISSÔTEL Tallinn Rooms Division manager
Eliina Grünberg, sisearhitekt